Welcome to Stateside.ph! These terms & conditions apply whenever you access the site. This policy is effective as of December 4, 2020.  

The use of Stateside.ph (herein referred to as the “Website”, “Us”) is governed by these terms and conditions.

You (herein known as “User”) is a person of legal age who has agreed to become a member of the Website by providing required data (referred to as the “User ID”, “Password”, Registration Data”). Each user is designated a unique identification (username and password) and thus accepts the Terms and Conditions delineated hereunder.

By accepting this Terms and Conditions, the User has accepted and agreed to be bound by the policies set forth in the following policies:

The use of this Website affirms that the Website user is at least 18 years of age.

Stateside.ph reserves the rights to amend this Terms and Conditions at any time, with no announcement.

Users must also agree and accept the guidelines set forth in this Terms and Conditions which are product-specific in nature. Among these are:Stateside.ph should not be held liable for the listings of any products presented in the Website.

Website users should agree that any purchase results to import with the US reseller as the exporter and user as the importer. All items that are purchased are subject to clearance with the Philippine Customs authorities. These items are subject to duties and taxes, thus indicated in the Website.

Website users should accept and agree that Stateside.ph reserves the right to approve or reject the order. Users will receive an email regarding the confirmation of orders.

The prices reflected on the Website include the product price only. Shipping, customs, and charges from other services will be reflected upon checkout. In the event that prices and the weights of an item are inaccurate or have been augmented, an email will be sent to the users informing them of the change. It is the user’s prerogative to continue or otherwise. In cases of cancellation, a full 100% refund will be credited to the customer’s account.

Website users are responsible for checking the product descriptions before any purchase. Placing an order implicitly means that customers are bounded by the terms governing sales including product’s warranty.

The use of credit card is the sole responsibility of the user. It is imperative that user use credit card that reflects his or her name, account number, as well as signature. These details will not be shared unless required for verification or as deemed necessary by the court. Stateside.ph will not be held liable for credit card frauds.

In cases of fraud, Stateside.ph reserves the right to initiate the legal proceedings against fraudulent use of the Website.

Stateside.ph will not be held liable for unsatisfactory performance of services including, but not limited to, delivery delays, product reaches the client in a Dead on Arrival state, and lack of product supply.All reviews, feedback, comments, and suggestions posted in the Website by the users are properties of Stateside.ph. Furthermore, Stateside.ph reserves that right to edit or remove altogether comments that appears unlawful, libelous, threatening, or abusive to other parties.

By making available any Content (Images, Text) through the Site, Application or Services, we do not claim any ownership or rights to the same. This content belongs to third party websites and its content suppliers.